Agriculture & Kitchen


In the kitchen organic products are used exclusively, sourced for the most part from Serragambetta's own fields (Certified by ICEA, Organic Producer PO67) or other organic farms in the area.

In the vegetable garden the seasons dictate the crop cultivation. From the winter vegetables (turnip tops, broccoli, cauliflower, chicory, fennel, salad, etc.) to all the produce of summer which the sun and soil fill with light and flavor (tomatoes, zucchini, aubergine, peppers, green beans, basil, peas, cucumber, etc. etc.).

And then our extra virgin olive oil, our almonds, and fruit of every sort (figs, cherries, plums, lemons, pears, peaches, apricots, quinces, pomegranates, and so on).

At breakfast biscotti and fresh bread are well-accompanied by our homemade fruit conserves and just picked tomatoes, as are the just baked sweets and tarts.


In the kitchen organic products are used exclusively, sourced for the most part from Serragambetta's own fields (Certified by ICEA, Organic Producer PO67) or other organic farms in the area.

In the vegetable garden the seasons dictate the crop cultivation. From the winter vegetables (turnip tops, broccoli, cauliflower, chicory, fennel, salad, etc.) to all the produce of summer which the sun and soil fill with light and flavor (tomatoes, zucchini, aubergine, peppers, green beans, basil, peas, cucumber, etc. etc.).

And then our extra virgin olive oil, our almonds, and fruit of every sort (figs, cherries, plums, lemons, pears, peaches, apricots, quinces, pomegranates, and so on).

At breakfast biscotti and fresh bread are well-accompanied by our homemade fruit conserves and just picked tomatoes, as are the just baked sweets and tarts.


Dinner is the most important time of day for socializing and enjoying good food. Around a large table guests exchange their impressions of the day's activities and plans for excursions for the following day are discussed, perhaps scanning maps for roads suitable for bike riding or the most sheltered coastal coves if the following day's forecast promises to be windy. And when the first pizzas start to come out of the wood oven, often musician friends appear who with the sounds of tambourine, guitar and piano accordion create just the right atmosphere for those who want to try out the local folk dancing - Pizzica or Tarantella.

Il Nostro Libro di Cucina in Giapponese

The Four Seasons of Italian Cooking